

如下My hometown is rich in products and beautiful scenery It is called the quotPearl of Grasslandquot This place is beautiful Inner Mongolia我的家乡物产丰富风景秀丽,被人们称为“草原明珠”,这个地方就是美丽;我的家乡用英文表达为my hometown,读音为ma#618 #712ho#650mta#650n重点词汇解释1my pron 我的 int 哎呀表示惊奇等喔唷 双语例句My children are my life我这几个孩子就是我的命;Here I would like to tell you something about my hometown××It is a beautiful city with long history and old culture Many people like coming here for vacation or weekends ,because the scenery is wo。

先写“In ten years,my hometown is a area”意思是10年前我的家乡是个乡村,什麽小奚呀,树呀,都可以写进去,然后再写现在的家乡变了“but now,my hometown would change”高楼大厦呀,马路呀全写进去,最后写“I;My hometown, a village locating beside a small river, is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road, the whole village is poor;In spring, the weather is always fine After a rain, a beautiful rainbow appears in the sky I like to ride my bike to see the beautiful sightIn fact, my city is beautiful all around the year;my hometown My hometown is Shenyang,which is a beautiful city,there are beautiful purple lavender manor and amazing Guaipo scenic area,and the ancient Shenyang the Imperial Palace!My hometown is so beautiful,I。


My hometown is not very big,but it is a very beautiful villagethere are hills and trees around my hometownThere is also a small river near my hometownI often swam in the river and caught fishes with;Bathed in the spring breeze of reform and opening up, only a few short years, my hometown has become prosperous and prosperous, beautiful and lovely In the past, the low, dilapidated old houses have been;I love my hometown I love every plant and tree in my hometown I remember that when summer comes, I and the children in the village will always play hide and seek and catch birds in the woods Of c;Great changes taken place in my hometownA few year ago,when I was a little child,there were few new house in my hometown,the most of the house were shabbyBut now the situation has been changed,you c;My Hometown Hello,everyone!My name is Yang AoLet me introduce my hometownMy hometown is Lingbao,Henan ProvinceI have lived here for twelve yearsIt is very beautiful and it has long historyThere are many tourism。

my hometown英语作文Pond in the middle there is a lot of small fish, when the weather is cold, farmers feeding on fish to eat, a large group of fish swim by, as if in the game who fast!In the s;My hometown is in jiangsu taizhou My parents was born there and grew up, I was born there and grew up, too So I like my hometown very much My hometown has a lot of tourist attractions, such as。


My Hometown Mount Maanshan My hometown is Mount Maanshan Have you ever been there? Mount Maanshan is very famous for its beautiful scenery, excellent climate and long historyMount Maanshan stands on the south;My hometown is beautiful scenery, rich products, beautiful, and is a beautiful placeMy hometown is in ji hills, although not a big place, it is a very intelligent and a town In the west of her was。

标签: myhometown


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